
Category archive Nezaradené
PSALM 69 - Prayer for Deliverance from Persecution

PSALM 69 (NRSV) – Prayer for Deliverance from Persecution

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. 2  I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me. 3  I am weary with my crying; my...

PSALM 68 - Praise and Thanksgiving

PSALM 68 (NRSV) – Praise and Thanksgiving

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  Let God rise up, let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee before him. 2  As smoke is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, let the wicked perish before God. 3  But let the...

PSALM 67 - The Nations Called to Praise God

PSALM 67 (NRSV) – The Nations Called to Praise God

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, 2  that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. 3  Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples...

PSALM 66 - Praise for God’s Goodness to Israel

PSALM 66 (NRSV) – Praise for God’s Goodness to Israel

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth; 2  sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise. 3  Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! Because of your great power, your enemies cringe before you. 4  All the earth...

PSALM 65 - Thanksgiving for Earth’s Bounty

PSALM 65 (NRSV) – Thanksgiving for Earth’s Bounty

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  Praise is due to you, O God, in Zion; and to you shall vows be performed, 2  O you who answer prayer! To you all flesh shall come. 3  When deeds of iniquity overwhelm us, you forgive our transgressions. 4  Happy are those...

PSALM 64 - Prayer for Protection from Enemies

PSALM 64 (NRSV) – Prayer for Protection from Enemies

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint; preserve my life from the dread enemy. 2  Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked, from the scheming of evildoers, 3  who whet their tongues like swords, who aim bitter words like arrows, 4 ...

PSALM 63 - Comfort and Assurance in God’s Presence

PSALM 63 (NRSV) – Comfort and Assurance in God’s Presence

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. 2  So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory....

PSALM 62 - Song of Trust in God Alone

PSALM 62 (NRSV) – Song of Trust in God Alone

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. 2  He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall never be shaken. 3  How long will you assail a person, will you batter your victim, all of you,...

PSALM 61 - Assurance of God’s Protection

PSALM 61 (NRSV) – Assurance of God’s Protection

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. 2  From the end of the earth I call to you, when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I; 3  for you are my refuge, a strong tower against...

PSALM 60 - Prayer for National Victory after Defeat

PSALM 60 (NRSV) – Prayer for National Victory after Defeat

Would you rather watch this Psalm? Click the play button below! 1  O God, you have rejected us, broken our defenses; you have been angry; now restore us! 2  You have caused the land to quake; you have torn it open; repair the cracks in it, for it is tottering. 3  You have made your...